Here to listen.  Here to help.

We are legally required to report to the proper authorities any suspicion of abuse or neglect to a child, elder, or dependent individual.

If a disclosure of intent to harm yourself or others is made, we are required to report that intention to the proper authorities.  It is important to ensure your safety and the safety of others.  We may contact the police, family members, or other providers to assist with hospitalization.

If a court order, other legal proceedings, or statute requires disclosure.

In providing therapy services to minors confidentiality is needed to ensure a trusting relationship.  While a parent or guardian has a legal right to information, specific details about each session are typically not shared.  General information about treatment will be shared.  We certainly encourage caregivers to share concerns with the therapist so we can address them properly.  Information such as risky sexual behavior, harmful substance use, eating disorders, criminal activity, and other dangerous lifestyle choices may be disclosed.   Sometimes these behaviors are “normal” experimentation.  Other times they may require parental intervention.